Casa Rehoboth Sicilian Olive Oil
Casa Rehoboth olives are harvested from our strong, healthy and prolific, organically grown trees growing on the sunny mountain slopes of southwest Sicily. The land has never been treated with any chemicals and organic farming techniques are the default for Casa Rehoboth and also our closest neighbours.
Our olives are lovingly hand-picked – no mechanical shaking is used which could stress the trees and reduce their health and vitality. Once harvested, our olives are taken to the local Oleificio for cold pressing and are not mixed with olives from any other trees. I personally oversee this process. The press is cleaned between batches with pure mountain spring water.
We use only the first press for our extra-virgin oil and absolutely NOTHING is added to it. Our fragrant liquid green gold olive oil is pure, delicious and highly nutritious.
What we can offer you

Eat more healthily – giving your family the best delicious, fresh organic fruit and veg

Healthy and fun family activity outdoors, reducing indoor screen time

Save money – grow organic food that is not an unaffordable luxury

Taste of Sicily – organic cold pressed, extra virgin ‘Casa Rehoboth’ olive oil

Children eat food they have grown themselves – even vegetables!

Sicilian ‘Foodie Holiday’ 2023 – experience Mediterranean diet and lifestyle in this culinary adventure of a lifetime!
Benefits of being a part
of our Zest ‘Foodie Club’
• Massive 10% discount on our unique, luxury ‘Foodie’ Holiday in Sicily in 2023
• Priority booking for this foodie adventure of a lifetime (only 10 places available)
• Advance notice of seasonal sales in our Shop
• Special members FREE offers of tried and tested, quick and easy seasonal recipes
• Regular competitions with exciting prizes
• Exclusive offers and valuable FREE gifts

Become a Member
of the ‘Foodie’ Club
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